OpenShift CICD

#cicd , #continuous , #integration , #deploy

OpenShift CICD

  • environment changes that progress through the environments

  • application performance configuration

  • feature flags

  • environment changes specific to an environment

  • connection endpoint URLs

  • image name/tag

Scenario 0: First project deployment - scaffold code, base image, build pipeline

Scenario 1: Application is rebuilt from source code, base image doesn’t change: - build binary image - rebuild container image from same base image - tag with new version numbering scheme - (dev) picks up new version and deploys immediately

Scenario 2: Application doesn’t change, base image doesn’t change, deployment configuration changes:

Scenario 3: Application changes, base image doesn’t change, deployment configuration changes: - commit changes to app, triggers build image - resulting image gets tagged - commit changes to deployment configuration repo - resulting kickoff deployment sync pipeline (CI) to push this through environments