Configure Dell PowerConnect PC5324
#networking , #dell , #powerconnect , #switch
Configure Dell PowerConnect PC5324
Followed help from these sites
Tools to connect to console
can be a problem if the env variable TERM is not set correctly.
hit enter. then cntl-A then q then enter to exit minicom.
Use the screen quit command (normally ctrl-A \).
Steps taken
Downloaded latest firmware
Hosted firmware package on tftp server on main server (did not enable the service as don’t expect to run it all-time)
Ran update commands from above links, rebooted.
Configured as below.
Settings configured
console> enable
console# config
console# interface vlan 1
console(config-if)# ip address /24
console(config-if)# ip default-gateway // this did not work, got % Unrecognized command
console(config-if)# exit
config(config)# exit
console# copy running-config startup-config
ran this later, after a firmware update
console(config-if)# ip default-gateway
console# configure
console(config)# clock timezone -8
console(config)# clock summer-time recurring first Sun Apr 02:00 last Sun Oct 02:00 zone PDT
console(config)# sntp client enable vlan 1
console(config)# clock source sntp
console(config)# sntp client poll timer 1024
console(config)# sntp unicast client enable
console(config)# sntp unicast client poll
console(config)# sntp anycast client enable
console(config)# sntp broadcast client enable
console(config)# sntp server poll // latest IPs for NIST
console(config)# sntp server poll
console(config)# sntp server poll
console(config)# exit