Ceph Tips (mostly from ODF)

#ceph , #odf

Ceph Tips (mostly from ODF)

Example must-gather (be sure to use current version)

$ oc adm must-gather --image=registry.redhat.io/ocs4/ocs-must-gather-rhel8:v4.7 --dest-dir=must-gather

TODO: add ODF version

Running commands from the node

ceph -c /var/lib/rook/openshift-storage/openshift-storage.config health
ceph -c /var/lib/rook/openshift-storage/openshift-storage.config -s
ceph -c /var/lib/rook/openshift-storage/openshift-storage.config df

Use the tools pod:

$ oc patch OCSInitialization ocsinit -n openshift-storage --type json --patch '[{ "op": "replace", "path": "/spec/enableCephTools", "value": true }]'
$ TOOLS_POD=$(oc get pods -n openshift-storage -l app=rook-ceph-tools -o name)
$ oc rsh -n openshift-storage $TOOLS_POD

Or all in one:

$ oc rsh -n openshift-storage $(oc get pods -n openshift-storage -l app=rook-ceph-tools -o name)

Example ad-hoc command on toolbox

$ oc rsh -n openshift-storage $(oc get pods -n openshift-storage -l app=rook-ceph-tools -o name) rbd -p ocs-storagecluster-cephblockpool info csi-vol-4b2fe3ea-24d6-11eb-a381-0a580a81021d

Example useful ceph command outputs (rtm for details)

ceph -s cluster
ceph osd dump
ceph osd tree

Two ways to get the keyrings in OCP

$ for i in $(oc get secret | grep keyring | awk '{print $1}') ; do oc extract secret/$i --keys=keyring --to=-
$ oc get secret | grep keyring | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -L 1 oc extract secret/$1 --keys=keyring --to=-

Pretty print PV output

$ oc get pv -o 'custom-columns=NAME:.spec.claimRef.name,PVNAME:.metadata.name,STORAGECLASS:.spec.storageClassName,VOLUMEHANDLE:.spec.csi.volumeHandle'

TODO: Run this one again to find out what it does

$ oc get pv pvc-09addd15-bb02-49bf-931e-9606676c080b -o jsonpath='{.spec.csi.volumeHandle}' | cut -d '-' -f 6- | awk '{print "csi-vol-"$1}'

Ok this isn’t Ceph but it is ODF. I’ll place it somewhere better or rename stuff. Get Nooba cli.

$ url -s https://api.github.com/repos/noobaa/noobaa-operator/releases/latest | grep "linux" | cut -d : -f 2,3 | tr -d \" | wget -qi - ; mv noobaa-linux-* noobaa ; chmod +x noobaa; sudo mv noobaa /usr/bin/